BPM Cyber Platform

30 Sep 2021
Ryszard Kluska

We have completed the first BPM Cyber Platform implementations. A comprehensive platform covering the areas of:

  • automatic and manual inventory of assets (network scanning)
  • classification of information and determination of the importance of resources
  • linking resources, information, processes, services, etc.
  • process criticality analysis – BIA
  • automatic vulnerability analysis and vulnerability management
  • automatic risk analysis – “online”
  • incident, problem, change and improvement actions management
  • monitoring security and behavior of systems and users (integration with DLP, SIEM, EDR, etc.)
  • building awareness
  • continuity testing
  • automation of pentests
  • reporting

The system works perfectly. Its implementation is quick and does not require additional expenditure from the organization. We use systems that already operate in the organization and fill the gap by automating and robotizing the security area.

Customers are surprised by the ease of use of the system and indicate the great value of the solution in the field of building security, awareness raising and reporting events. The system introduces order to the security area.

We do not stop there and are already working on increasing the level of automation and robotization using “artificial intelligence”.

More about the BPM Cyber Platform

See also

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